This morning I awoke early. It was still dark as I went out into the cold. I felt the magic of the waning full moon bathing my world in white light. But so early? It was the whales. They wanted me to feel the moment and hear their message.
For many mornings now, I’ve been meditating. But as soon as I start, I begin to hear the whales as they pass by my home. I’ve been on dolphin journeys, I’ve listened and taken in their love as I swam side by side with them. But even though I live several hundred yards from the ocean, I’ve never, until now heard the whales.
They had just journeyed through the debris that is headed our way from Japan. They were confused by it. They told me clearly “We must clean our Mother – she’s all we have.” I saw the debris as the whales tried to navigate their way through the muck. Lumber, cars, unidentifiable pieces of metal and wood. The debris moves as one piece of junk through our oceans and straight into the whales path. They continue on. “We hear the sounds, it’s deafening the sounds we hear near your home. We can lose each other as we try and listen for the voices of each other, even separated at times, but we move on towards our destination.” This I saw rather than heard.
Animal communication isn’t always in straight forward words. I see things. I feel them in my body, I hear words, but it’s watching and listening to the entire message.
The whales are talking with me most mornings as I sit outside. They are teaching me that they are the memory keepers of the planet. They are the ones who travel hundreds of miles each year – for hundreds of years – to reach their destinations. Each year the journey becomes more perilous. Each year they battle the sounds of more and more ships that travel the oceans and throw their communication with each other off. It’s like trying to talk with someone with the TV blasting. It’s loud and confusing. Yet, they seem to know where they are to meet up with their respective pods and move on.
This morning the message was for us. For humans. The ones who need to wake up. Their society long out-dates ours. “We teach our young the world of the whales, as you teach your young the message of being human. But you have lost your way. It’s not too late, you can each clear the Mother and make her whole again. Simply by feeling love in your heart space and passing it on.”
The other day I heard the beautiful laughter of a child swinging on a swing. The whales showed me that moment. “That little child filled her heart space with joy and laughter. The energy she sent out from that laughter reached your whole community. Perhaps beyond. The humans didn’t hear it, but they felt it.”
“This is what you as humans must do. Each day, you must fill your heart space with love and joy. This will branch out to others. They too will feel it. It is the way to heal our Mother. Joy.”
They showed me the trees in my yard. The power of the winds they endure. But the trees are dancing. They aren’t being harmed by nature, they love to dance in the winds and drink in the rains that fall to quench them. “You humans hide in your dwellings, worry about the power of the winds. The trees – they are not afraid. They live on.”
They showed me that when I am in nature, my heart space fills with joy. The love that my dog radiates through this heart, from simply being with me on the beach, is enough to heal a human who has forgotten. ” We, the whales have very large hearts that send love when we are in joy. We send it around the planet, yet the humans need to do their part too. Humans need to feel joy, not despair, and send it out. It radiates. It is a powerful tool.”
It’s so simple. All we need to do is feel love in our hearts and it will cure another of their pain whether they know it or not! This is how we – you – can change our planet. “Why do you think the message of ‘do what you love’ is so strong right now? It’s because when we do what we love, we send love. And in that very action, we are healing our Mother.”
The moon continued its path across the skies as I listened and glowed with it. I felt the love the whales were sending – and now I’m sending the message to you. Are you practicing joy? Are you finding time in your hectic day to smile? One smile can cure a village. It truly is this simple. Do what you love. Stay in your heart. And the whales will continue to send us their love. For this is the simple start to curing our Mother.
Words of wisdom from the deep!
You are living testimony to the joy of cetacea, Lisa. The profundity of the message you convey is magnified by the joy you’ve radiated since returning from your dolphin journeys.
I’m compelled to share a tidbit of lore about the astrological sign that coincides with this message. Some people think of Capricorn as a stodgy scrooge-like sign that provokes a pre-occupation with monetary gain. Yet here’s a little secret.
Ever wonder why Capricorn is depicted with the head of a goat and tail of a sea creature? I hear there’s an ancient link between Capricorns and cetaceans; one that manifests in the bounding energy of both dolphins and kids in early spring.
In the embrace of winter many of us don’t notice that this energy is germinating. Yet the days are growing longer. For me it’s a joy to think of connections between the goats on our farm — which is today covered in snow — and those amazing critters migrating off our coastline.
Do the more down-to-earth whales consider such connections to be human woo-woo? Do they think I’m spouting circuitous noisy ramblings that boil down to the common-sense truth that we’re all kin?
If so, maybe there’s at least one whimsical whale out there who giggled when s/he “read” this comment as it formulated in my mind.
Thank you Lisa! I am grateful that you are able to hear and share the whales voices off our shore. Now let us humans clean up that debris to serve our fellow creatures and this planet. With Joy!
Thanks, Lisa!
I, too, am grateful for your gift. I do wish that the world could hear, would hear, and act. Again, thank you for sharing your experience; it is awesome (in the true, positive meaning of the word).
Nicely said Lisa. It’s so interesting where our paths take us isn’t it? You have grown into an amazing Communicator – keep listening!
WOW! What a great gift you have!!
I remembered this.article, Lisa, 18 months after first reading it when I recently read Smithsonian Magazine’s account of the human-mimicking sounds made by Noc, a beluga trained by the US Navy for undersea operations. A link to that article, including an actual recording of Noc, is here at
I’m going to guess most of that article probably saddens and/or enrages you. It stirred wonder in me to contemplate the memory and speech of whales – all which brought me back to your writing. I believe a little more now than when I first read. Enough to want to hear them someday myself.