I have endless days ahead of me, able to write about an infinite amount of topics. So I think I’ll write about body hair.
Last year, an Italian woman on Real Housewives of New Jersey admitted to dry shaving the hairs on her chin and lip. Of course, this is second hand information since I would NEVER watch that train wreck of a reality tv show. Never. Anyway Caroline Manzo was bashed hardily by viewers, commentators, and even her supposed reality peeps. Hypocritical bee-otches. For sure that spicy little Theresa had some serious wax strips ripped off the day she hulked out on Danielle . . . or so I’ve heard.
My point is, men shave openly while women aren’t supposed to shave at all. They must be born hairless or dispose of the offensive follicles magically, silently, alone. Males with a five o’clock shadow are revered for their virility. They certainly don’t have to hide the fur. On the other hand, women with a five o’clock shadow have to spend their days plucking in dark corners, tucking their chins into turtlenecks, spending hundreds of dollars a month – or week – on waxing /slash/ shriek fests. Further, the pink- faced ladies are shamed into silence, only able to open up about the undisciplined hair growth after a four pitcher margarita session with the girls. Never, ever, with the boyfriend or husband. The looks of dismay and resulting physical distance are not worth it. Of course, this is second hand information since my own body hair is completely normal for a woman. A Greek woman. The hair hypocrisy in this society is out of control . . . or so I’ve heard.
If you were briefly entertained by this ridiculous drift of thought, visit my blog: http://hollylorincz.blogspot.com.
Well, back to the crisping of my flesh. Happy sunny day to you here in the PNW 🙂
I don’t know where you found that photo (Watt? Jennifer?) but it scares the crap out of me. Maybe a little too close to home?
Gross me out pic …..Beautiful yet TOTALLY CREEPY. Holly you cracked me up!! Thanks.
This is my first and may be my last foray onto this great web-site for awhile as I spend as little time as needed on my computer. Maranne
Don’t be scared, Holly. I can remove the hairy women and they won’t come back. Never ever. Not for a while at least.
But before you ask me to activate the removal technology I ask you to consider the following. Facial hair styling can be really cool. It’s the closest thing men have to experiencing the beauty enhancement of make-up without being judged as sissies by society. And let’s face it, we’re not very good at it.
O.K., Robert Downey Jr. is pretty good at it, but he’s a male anomaly. The potential of facial hair as a beautification tool is wasted on the rest of us guys. I think we should celebrate hairy women who are willing to be all they can be. Just sayin.