Por favor, tres a poniente
Y, camino de la luz.
The whale whisperer would
Like to be taken to
Casa de la Paz.
It’s another day in paradise
In spite of ourselves
In spite of Facebook
And coral snakes
There is rabbit at Ben-Zaa’s.
Señor, tres a poniente
Y, camino de la luz.
Designer mescal with orange slice,
Worm salt, green flash
Super moon smiles over Liza’s.
My head was under water.
Ladrones stealing comfort
And years of memories.
Too many philipes
In a sunbleached lucky shirt.
Por favor señor, tres a poniente
Y, camino de la luz.
Fisherman haul shining nets
Peaches, floating praying mantis.
Por favor señor, take me to Casa de la Paz.
– This poem was inspired by my recent trip to Oaxaca, Mexico.
Muchas gracias for sharing your writing with us, Evie! You are the first person at the Edge to contribute a bi-lingual poem.
Alas, I’ve forgotten most of the Spanish I learned in school. Once in a while I’m challenged to call up what little I remember, when I need to communicate with a Spanish speaker who’s just getting the hang of English.
Bless you for reminding us of the beauty that swings through that door.