Thank you for being here David.
David, i’ve often noticed within the scope of your artistry, how you seem to give wings or attention to those relationships and cultures, or even customs, many times over looked, or even sadly neglected. There are a myriad of varying themes and notions woven vigorously throughout your music. Could you speak a little on these fringe quarters, and their revival to relevance through your musical pageantry?
There are no real questions to ask. I mean really, it’s all been done. Picked over, wiped clean
How you handle fame, or if there’re days you just don’t want to do it anymore
Who you’ve slept with…
Who cares???
I would like to have lunch with you
What we eat takes a paltry second to the company
A little uncomfortable at first, the silences. The mind groping for the right thing to say
There is no right thing, only this moment. It’s All we Have. It’s All we’ll Ever Have
Your eyes are beautiful! The clear, definitive line of your jaw
So what, it all comes to dust, but the memories…
No, even those eventually go
So what do we have?
I love you as I love All Beings who ride the beast of their potential in beautiful and terrible ways
I must love them, for there is nothing else
All things ending in tragedy and extinction
Even love
with its gleaming daggers, twisted,
still comes
to ruin
Only if we let it
Only if the Prosecutors of the Mind are given sway
Unbridled reign over a team of Passionate Horses that don’t Exist
It All feels so REAL
the laughter, the pain
The way that balsamic glaze clings to that red lettuce leaf
Is that REAL?
A faux metal fork scraping against a bit of fake china, made in china. Is that….
Back to silence
Heads down. Corralling foodstuffs
He looks up
No words
Back to the eyes
Beyond the Eyes Really. Lost and Found in some infinitely perceived moment, where everything that is not
is instantly vacuumed up into nothingness
How do we move beyond this? Go Deeper?
Or are we stuck “floating
in a most peculiar way?”
There is something here, Something Extraordinary…
I see it in his eyes as he looks into mine
There is no more food to eat, no distractions
There will always be distractions
In this moment
We Choose
the bill
the rain
that which might shake us
from this
the feel of
white linen
and forefinger
strong jawlines
in the form of
For Change Happens
wether we will it
or not
Dark Stars come and Lazarus rises
wether we want him back
or not
The only other words I can utter
The only other words which make…sense
Thank you for the pain and the glory. For the angst and the fame. For the awe-struck dumbness, and the boisterous dance (when no one was watching of course)
Thank You, for the Serenity and Inclusion
For the memory of a basement, dark and dank, with horrid carpet and a single fishbowl
Because of You
All the miles between us, melt away as you Sing
And I am back at a table, before there was a Table saying,
I Love You
Thank You
Thank… Me
David Bowie’s death hit me much harder than I want to admit, given his status as a global pop star. When I first learned of his passing I felt like I’d been hit with the sudden loss of a close family friend.
He was a prophet of creative spirit, an explorer of the open aesthetic frontier. With a light that bright I figured he would be innovating for decades to come. His exit from the stage reminds us that life is precious. Heaven help all to create whatever good we can while we’re here.