We need
answers less
questions more
searching ones
prompting thought
For incurious minds
questions unsettling
answers superior
presume certainty
For philosophic minds
answers unsettling
questions powerful
presume possibility
One such question
what matters in life
invites abstractions
generates prolixity
framed meaningfully
how to live a life that matters
invites concrete actions
yields practical answers
Such a question has
a life of its own
feel its power
centering humanity
illuminating wonder
honoring doubts
resisting nonsense
stretching imagination
Reflection spawns
penetrating questions
searching further
how to be a better person
how to be authentically human
how to best live and love well
how to enrich life experience
how to positively impact the world
Cherish such questions
close intimate companions
when complications arise
they become compass
shred bounds of rationality
enrich imagination
fortify resilience
sustain journey
Existential questions
probe deeper
into abyss of consciousness
beyond edge of cosmos
why something vs. nothing
what is ultimate reality
what is nature of being
what is good, just, true, beautiful
Such questions
in quiet hours
expose ignorance
invite humility
celebrate mystery
revere wonder
intimately nurture
all that is and can be
Even in best science
insightful religion
enduring traditions
unquestioned answers
weigh down
unanswered questions
propel forward
into the light of day
Steven, you have captured much in a few words. But that is the way of poetry. You have given us musings to ponder. One message is to live in the light of unanswered questions. Another is to not bind ourselves to certainty. The existential becomes a dead end when its questions are answered dogmatically. Your poem propels us out of the blind alleyway in which we too often live . Thank you for the reminder. Blessings, -Darrell