Spirit cracked open
my mumblypeg mind with
heart-to-heart conversation.
At that house party by the
Pacific, near the cemetery.
Remember? Where you
spoke of heyokas and wild
words ripened in lightening.
Friday October 13, 2023.
Weird healing hatched under
that peaceable bloom of fire.
My brother love-slinger poet and
horror-flick fan channeled vision
from kin forced from ancestral lands,
prodded toward extinction by
pale cannibal federales.
i felt a cloud of knowers nod,
medicine-actors ready to exorcize
greed from possessed fat grabbers,
like a thrilling blood-spoof of
Little House on the Prairie.
We gathered at that good
party for serious cinema,
to absorb balancing acts and
document our part in life’s
current that circles the globe.
While power-mad Pa(s) rained
death on kids and elders in
Ukraine and Israel/Palestine
we pulled round rocks from pockets,
talked amid allies who crouched
in costumes watching
a local screening about
eleventh-hour work to save
The Chinook Salmon Nation,
who like most of Nature’s
tribes do not recognize man’s
branded corporate government.
Nez Perce showed us the
elder way of Nimiipuu.
We, the People.
And Chief Joseph’s quote
rolled along with the credits.
Love zapped our willpower,
bolted fresh young viewers
to old guardians of Earth.
Indigenous currency
electrifies every waterway,
all oceans and spawning grounds.
Strange beauty might even
strike proud rivals who value
dominance more than life
Repentance can flow
un-damned in any direction.
Heyi didn’t know what i
am to give way out west.
Not until dawn, dancing with tears,
alone in my prayers after that
Friday circuit ride with friends.
I flashed upstream, back
into an art-house anthem
carried across the pond.
Return spirit forward
This is beautiful, my love!
Be glad of heart
to love and be loved
to find repentance
to seek renewal
to join in restoration
of what cannot be revived.
Heart broken open
by memory and hope
by a past that is gone
by a future yet to be.
What can be done now
to help us all?
What can be done? Here’s a few suggestions. Keep a lookout for local screenings of the film linked below, and any creative work that inspires us to restore and revive Native salmon runs. Also pray for peacemaking and teambuilding among all people along the waterways, including descendants of Indigenous Clatsop folks who’ve enrolled in different tribal organizations. Plus think of all our relations whenever we eat.