The stag horn and the thorn.
The blood and the flood.
The rose and the crow.
The taste and space.
The touch and clutch.
The ice and the dice.
The eye and the sky.
The ear and the deer.
About Sylvia Thunder Bird
Hello, Sylvia Thunder Bird here.
Thanks for reading at my bio, and thanks for the opportunity to register with the Upper Left Edge site.
I'm a painter, and I've lived on the beautiful North Coast of Oregon North for 9 years.
Watercolors reflect vulnerable and intimate aspects of my spirit path.
I am a feminist, polytheist student of Tarot, the Great Work, the philosophy of Magic, and a solitary practitioner of a Nature-based Old Religion tradition.
I strive to penetrate/understand the ancient feminine mysteries, goddess traditions by researching for source materials. This way of receiving/penetrating/expanding upon ideas allows me to establish workable connections to the feminine divine.
For me, art is about finding civilized expressions of rebellion, inspiration, excitement, whimsy, polarity, equilibrium/balance, beauty and peace of mind in a predominately patriarchal society.
My goal is to stir the Great Mother's cosmic cauldron and to tap into the power of metaphysical philosophies, images, symbols and colors, that are gleaned from historical and mythological sources. As cultures ebb, flow and change, I feel that people connect to and preserve ancient ideas through symbols.
My work represents a brew of images gleaned from ancient wisdom, pre-christian deities/spirits; from Greek, Roman, Etruscan, Italic (European/Mediterranean) , some Celtic, Norse, Germanic and Egyptian cultures that resonate with Nature, Star, Sun and Moon centered teachings, matri-focal, and matri-linear Goddess traditions!
I want to be free. I endeavor to reclaim the feminine (ancient feminism filtered through the veils of time) through historical, metaphysical correspondences: IE: elementals, the four quarters, planets, sun and moon, constellations, nebula's, galaxies, colors, symbols, plants, creatures (flora and fauna), deity/spirit, ritual and fun, etc., etc. Basically I find deep joy in practicing the Old Religion and visiting, with an open heart, ancient magical practices and knowledge!
My Influences: The technical treatment of these images stem from my love of the metaphysical paintings of Giorgio de Chirico, Greek-born Italian Surrealist Painter and Sculptor, (1888-1978), the life and art of Pamela Colman Smith, illustrator of the Rider Waite Tarot, and the popular art and cultural ideas of Andy Warhol, Pittsburgh-born Pop art icon and son of Slovak immigrants (1928-1987)."
Positive results:
My art and spirit practice gives form to my life. It is a gift that helps me to find the elements that form positive attitudes, enhance the powers of my special joy, enthusiasm for life, inspiration, imagination, intuition and mindfulness.
Solve et Coagula
Ars Longa Vita Brevis
Sylvia Thunder Bird