It is time to nurture other seeds that have been planted, seeds that promise good fruit. [Read More]
Following Senior Swim
Four decades on, I disrobe to swim,
a lumbering seal to the reed I was, and I look
away—no longer in horror.
You are no different than asters that fall dead
in sleep, reemerge each year strong and new. [Read More]
Myths and misunderstandings
A writer friend told me I was passed over for a recent book-signing because the organizer finds my book title “scary.” This wasn’t the first time I learned of such a reaction to Jesus Loves Women: A Memoir of Body and Spirit.[Read More]
Poem for Iraq
I imagine you a desert flower,
succulent and needle-sharp
on the cracking white earth. The color
of mango, or a woman’s wet lips.
Letter to Fellow Democrats upon the Re-election of Barack Obama
I, like you, look forward to things to be done in a second Obama term. But I suggest one action is called for before we move past this election. I envision a collective “thank you” to the Latino voters who made this Obama victory possible. Without these voters, Obama could not have won.
In Praise of a Quiet Life
The quiet life is about listening and attending to your existence and to that of the universe and spirit around you. It is about stilling the noise enough that you can hear. What you hear will depend on your singular vocation, your calling.