Some people are wild at heart, some people are afraid of other people and money, some people are sick, and some people don’t know what they’re doing, bless them. [Read More]
Message, Moo-Cow, Messiah
It seems absurd on the surface that anyone who brandishes the word “Christ” would feel more affinity for the ways of plutocrats than the teachings of our compassionate rabbi. Yet when the Word becomes flesh, it is a socially-conditioned reflex for humans to fixate on the box rather than the contents. [Read More]
Seeing through the enemy and seeing the self
In the grand master scheme of things, I don’t believe that enemies exist. At a core level. We are all made of the same stuff, right? The same star stuff and blood and bone and breath. [Read More]
“This is a collaborative project,” Deb said in the weeks leading up to the installation. “I hope other folks will feel inspired to participate and help with the weaving. It strengthens community when we make art together.” [Read More]
Jamal and the Crown Predators
The wise men hold a magical place in the nativity story. They were not members of the religion into which Christ was born, yet they travelled far to pay him homage. Call them gentiles, infidels, pagans, or simply the others. Their knowledge nevertheless conveyed a deep understanding of his humble-yet-cosmic birth. [Read More]
The Parable of the Waters
And it came to pass all the waters of the planet roared
to the God of the Universe and Handmaiden Moon. [Read More]