The good people of CRAW [Clatsop Residents Against Walmart] are asking that as many people as possible voice their opposition to the permit application to fill the wetlands on the North Coast Business Park property that would pave the way for a Walmart in our area. That application is currently up for public comment until 5 PM today, Sunday – Mother’s Day, May 13. The application and comment form are available on DSL’s website (
An Outsider Taking It On
Having never before visited, Cannon Beach didn’t conjure images of any kind for me other than sand and waves, which can be very misleading for someone visiting from sunny Southern California, where the waves are bigger, the sand can burn your feet, and everyone runs around half-naked instead of thrice layered.
What Love Means to Me
Since childhood I’ve been exposed to love in a thousand different ways. It started with the love I have for my mother and the love she has for me. She was my first example of what love is, how it feels, how it sounds and what it looks like. Then, in my childlike brain it was translated into holding hands as you crossed the street and kisses on my fallen knees.
Here’s to a thriving hive
I found this video during a quick internet fly-over. Some instinct moved me to bring it home and share it, not just with select friends and family — in standard online fashion — but for the betterment of a whole community website.
Grieving for the Green
On the morning of the first Earth Day a seven-year-old boy seached for salamanders in a creek. He didn’t know adults were launching a new holiday to encourage care for creation. His heart and mind were filled with amazement at the critters who lived under the damp mossy rocks. After lunch he climbed one of his favorite trees.
Enter the Puppy
“Real living is living for others.”
“Relationship is a process of self evaluation and self revelation. Relationship is the mirror in which you discover yourself – to be is to be related.”
— Bruce Lee
River Running Still
The river gurgled next to him, spilling over its bank and sinking into the sand beneath glistening twigs and pine needles. He looked back at its bend and watched ripples gallop like horses down the stretch. With water flowing in from the ocean, however, it gave the curious perception of fast flowing waves standing still.
Hunting in Cannon Beach’s Forest Reserve?
By July, the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve will have a management plan, determining its future. Questions to be answers include: Will hunters dot the landscape? Will there be mountain bikers zipping through? Will some of the trees be thinned in order to re-create an old growth forest structure? Should dogs be leashed?
Energy Independence? Give Me A Break
Corporations and politicians say a lot of stupid things. Sometimes people can swallow them, but often they’re so unabashedly fictitious it takes only the slightest of research to disprove them. Some of the more notable claims have been made recently in reference to the disputed Keystone XL pipeline project, but the one that really stands out is “energy independence.”
Upstream with a Clatsop canoe
“It was shocking, surreal, and disturbing to me personally to see a member of my family, Chief Coboway, being referred to as a member of another tribe with no mention of the Clatsop tribe he belonged to,” writes Stowe. “The entire tribe is very unhappy with this effort to erase our tribal heritage, and is determined to put an end to this misinformation and get the true story published.”