On the wrack line, scanning the shore for plastic debris with a shoulder bag and gloves, the mind wanders far. It might be meditative except my thoughts don’t always trend expansively. Alarm, disgust, bewilderment… misanthropy intrudes despite the beautiful surroundings of sea, shore and sky. [Read More]
Leave a light on
Folks from every corner of the country had heard the name and knew its mission. I’ve lost count of the number of times a visitor told me their first stop during a visit to Manzanita was to CARTM.
In My Back Yard
We are so deeply shrouded that we are unaware even of the Beauty that surrounds us. Suddenly, we are startled aware by a flock of peeps (Sandpipers), flying in an orchestrated synchronicity.
The Parable of the Waters
And it came to pass all the waters of the planet roared
to the God of the Universe and Handmaiden Moon. [Read More]