Perhaps, someday…
when the shattering is complete,
we will sit in each other’s company again,
rest in the space of shared silence.
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Tarea de las Patrias
La migración de ideas entre idiomas les da espacio para voltear alrededor. Pequeños descubrimientos en la traducción me vuelven a la magia original de las palabras. [Read More]
Buenas Tardes
En el paseo dorado, los saludos fluyen entre lugareños y visitantes. Las sombras serenatan la luz. Nuestra separación descansa y nos volvemos a una mescolanza de alma.
Backwater muse floods the borders of Babylon
What does it mean to make art in the boonies, pore long over sentences that never scale the muckety-muck steps of public attention? How does one who loves the civic beauty of words keep forking them onto the floor? [Read More]
La Señora de las Tortas
Mid-morning cake is not what I’m after,
and my few words of Español are inadequate for dialog.
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The Parable of the Waters
And it came to pass all the waters of the planet roared
to the God of the Universe and Handmaiden Moon. [Read More]