wonder if
raccoons wander the beach after dusk and leave pawprints in the ebb tide
wonder if
it’s sacred to step through the curled & looping mystic symbols left by children in the sand
a small paper for a small planet
Way back when I was in high school, while most students went out and played after lunch, I sat in a classroom and did math problems with the Math Team. Yes, geek I was, and still am. Even then, I was gearing up for a life in academia (I now work at Clatsop Community College). Here, for the first time, I am reprinting the beginnings of a major paper that could have gone on to shake the very foundations of mathematics, science and engineering.
For the rabbi’s first blog entry on the Edge, we’ll go to the daily paper in the area, and respond to the Open Forum letters to the editor section. I hope to make this a regular feature of this blog, as well as muse about myriad other things that crowd my mind and need to get out. Hope you can join me for the ride…
For years, the Coaster Theatre was perhaps best known for its annual production of some version of Dickens’ classic “A Christmas Carol.” Since the 1970’s, members of the community—from sandwich makers to librarians to students—came together to dress up in top hats and spread some holiday cheer. Those community members who didn’t take part in the show were sure to come and watch. The theatre truly brought the community together. [Read More]
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this fiscal cliff thing since the election. The media has consistently told the story that the cliff would be devastating to the economy, without giving any details. What we really need, though, is a large reduction in defense spending, accompanied by a large increase in taxes, mostly sin taxes, with carbon taxes and tariffs on imports and exports joining in. [Read more]
The Earth turns slow sometimes
You can lie on your back in the night
Look at the stars and witness the curve in the sky
Moving fast and slow all at once, ever present and very far away
Time inching, unwilling
Nothing moves quickly here, under it all, the whole of everything above us
[Read More]
“The old word is the best,” affirmed Pendragon, in a voice that could have been used to caution visitors about certain secluded coves during the new moon.
A heightened sense of awareness came over me as the talk swirled round the three of us gathered by the Food Mart (which, despite the sign out front, our family insists on calling the “Blue Store”). I felt at one with Nehalem, “place of the people.” [Read More]
There is darkness on your lantern and pumpkins in your wind, and Oh, they clutter up your mind with their senseless bumping while your heart is like a sea gull frozen into a long distance telephone call. I’d like to take the darkness off your lantern and change the pumpkins into sky fields of ordered […]
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