At this ancient Solstice time, when the great trees are honored (with the conifer in the living room), and the power of fire and return of the sun is invoked (with the burning of candles and the splashes of electric lights on our houses), the birth of Jesus, great dissident and rebel, is celebrated by many. In our present era of mind-numbing consumerism, […]
To Dance With Torah … To Dance With Life
I want to tell you a story. It’s from a book called The River Midnight. The book takes place over the course of a year in a Polish shtetl toward the end of the last century. It is about the bonds of family, friendship, religion and culture. It is the story of four women who […]
Increase Taxes, I Say
This past week Congress passed a bill linking continued tax cuts to a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline, which would bring minimally processed Canadian oil sands to the Gulf region to be refined and distributed. Well, if I were president, I would veto this bill. And not only because I think that the Keystone XL pipeline is ridiculous (for many reasons, which I’ll detail in a later post). For I also am against continuing the Bush-era tax cuts, and I’ll tell you why.
Five years ago, my beloved grandfather passed away. I have a reoccurring, monthly dream that he is “back” for a visit. It is so real that I can see the lines on his tan, leathery, face and smell the fish residue on his hands. I just keep hugging him and holding him, realizing that he is only here for a short time and then he is returning to heaven. I feel panicky, but grateful. I know that our time with him is an unexpected gift, and I don’t quite know what to do with it. I wake up feeling sad, but blessed.
Adventures in marital husbandry
‘Twas the perfect day for an off-season wedding. Clouds blanketed Cannon Beach with sufficient wetness to justify rain pants. Enough bluster was present to dispense with hair styling.
Family members and friends huddled together on the sodden sand south of Ecola Creek. For the first time in my life, I was asked to officiate a wedding. The betrothed couple said they wanted me, even though I’m not an ordained anything, because of my core commitment to marriage.
I Remember Panty Hose
Give me this moment and write, asks Natalie Goldberg, in “Writing Down the Bones” – ok I can try that. Just write about what’s on my mind.
“But what have I been thinking about?” I ask myself as I search for a writing topic.
To be honest I was thinking about panty hose. Yes, panty hose –I remember when panty hose first came out on the market and I remember my first pair of panty hose. I begged and pleaded, stormed and fumed, cajoled and demanded. Finally, at the age of 12 my mother wore down and said I could have a pair. I think she finally relented because it was pretty obvious that I wasn’t going to. I’m not sure now what the big deal was, for her or me. Perhaps it was because panty hose were a pretty new thing at that time or perhaps it was because I wanted to grow up all at once and she didn’t want me to or perhaps it was because we were both just stubborn. I don’t know. But I remember that first pair of panty hose, I got to wear them to Mass.
Postcard to the Magi
It snowed the winter I moved to Cannon Beach. When I made my final trip to the Oregon coast the day before Christmas, it looked like the beach in winter dressed for the holiday season. Twinkle lights and mock snow drifts surrounding shop windows, haloed street lights tousled with circled boughs of cedar; the scene had all the visuals of a winter-set romance or a cozy mystery prowled by a granny sleuth. It looked like Christmas all right, but my spirits failed to lift and all I wanted to do was park, unload the boxes of books, take my dog Banjo for a stretching walk and hold to my plans.
Surfing Pop Culture: Gaga Over Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving cheer and inspiration came from an unlikely source for me this year – “A Very Gaga Thanksgiving” which aired on ABC Thanksgiving night. And while I can in no way be labeled a ‘little monster’ (as she calls her true fans), I admit to being wooed by this 25-year-old superstar.
Beg and Borrow
Just got off Skype with my German friend Volker. During our almost-weekly phone calls (free via Skype!), we discuss all sorts of things, and today, we talked about the European debt crisis, among other things.
I asked how things were going in Europe, after getting the story from our U.S. media that things are all fine now that the Greek and Italian governments are being run by sensible men who will bring order and austerity to their respective countries. Volker said that indeed, the riots have calmed down, and in Italy, there seems to be some relief at the ouster of Berlisconi. A couple other things he said got me thinking.
Stevie-Dean and The Horse or the Further Adventures of the Mayor
Before I begin this, my first post to the Upper Left Edge, let me say that I am honored if somewhat confused by ending up writing for such a great endeavor. I unlike some of the more serious authors on this site hope only to share some stories and if all goes well entertain you a little. I promise no revelations or enlightenment but rather to give you other worlds to consider that I have had the luck to encounter in my own life and enjoyed. As I hope you enjoy my telling of them. So with that said I take the plunge.